Eberhardt Still NOT Working

January 10, 2011 § Leave a comment

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Started the New Year with an inspiring family vacation to beautiful Sanibelle Island, Florida. I am filled with renewed enthusiasm and hope to make significant strides with my art this year. Also spending a great deal of time reflecting on life and trying to regroup my spirit – shed things that are not positive influences on my life, simplifying my world, focusing efforts….

While at the beach I found encouragement through several “signs”. The first was literally a sign – a simple wooden plaque near the front door at the Sanibelle Beanery (yummy coffee shop on Periwinkle Drive). “Live a Good Life” by Abraham Lincoln. Exactly the wisdom I seek – there’s little to add to this brilliant statement.

The second inspiration is a book I purchased at the Ding Darling Wildlife Sanctuary. “A Gift from the Sea” by Anne Morrow Lindburgh. I’ve only started to read it by it’s remarkable that the issues she contemplated while vacationing on the island are identical to my own – 80 years later. We think the world is so different from generation to generation, but her book reminds me that despite the physical changes in our modern world, people continue to struggle with the same philosophical concerns.

Today I look out my window at six new inches of snow when just three days ago I was walking along the shore in bare feet. I think about these bits of inspiration and the beauty of the beach and look forward to the changes and opportunities that the new year will offer. I hope the same for you!

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